** If any additional parts are needed customer will be notified at time of component evaluation with regard to cost and any lead times. so you know exactly what parts we have replaced, transparency at its very best !!
We also include all of your old parts including dust wiper seals, “O” rings, quad rings, glide rings, DU bush’s etc. We include a service report sheet listing all of your shock’s air pressures in psi, rebound & compression damping settings, number of volume spacers, and list any additional work done or parts replaced. Next service due date sticker applied to air can/shock body. Lastly a check for air tightness in a water bath. Hand dyno (shock tester) tested in all damper settings to verify successful rebuild. Air can positive pressure set and negative air chamber equalised, damper adjusters set as per original customer settings. Different size air volume spacers installed or removed as required, small up charge for new ones, POA. New polymer DU eyelet bushings replaced with genuine factory spec items, if eyelet bushing pins are worn there is an up-charge for these, we have heavy duty stainless steel eyelet pins in most sizes of 6mm, 8mm &10mm centre bore and lightweight aluminium in select sizes of 6mm & 8mm only, in addition we have limited sizes in offset style to lower b/b height and slacken head angle, please check frame specs for compatibility first. IFP is set to correct depth and IFP chamber charged with gas, we exclusively use a mix of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and 1% argon in all shock services 😉. Damper is then machine vacuum bled to ensure no air is present and to ensure consistent damping,and then high pressure machine filed, with oil most in-line dampers will be manually bled. Damper is striped down, cleaned and re-built with genuine factory spec rebuild kits, we now for the most part have changed over to MOTOREX oils of Switzerland for shock & fork specific damping (yes, there is a difference) fluids as these are the VERY BEST in the industry for the lowest friction, thermal stability and even noise reduction !!!. Removal of air can and inspection for signs of wear and tear. FOX FLOAT RP23 EYELET SIZE FULL
Full external clean and de-grease and visual evaluation for any signs of wear and tear. Notes taken of air pressure and damper settings. PLEASE NOTE: Customer assumes all responsibility to ensure shock and fork are fitted correctly and safely to your bike, if this is something beyond your own confidence and skill level please seek advice from your local reputable specialist bicycle shop. Lastly we safely pack up your items ready to be shipped back to you. so you know exactly what parts we have replaced, transparency at it’s very best !! We also include all of your old parts including dust wiper seals, “O” rings, quad rings, glide rings etc. We include a service report sheet listing all of your fork’s air spring pressures in psi, rebound and compression settings, number of volume spacers and we also list any addition work done or other parts replaced. Next service due date sticker applied to back of fork crown. Final clean and polish with isopropyl alcohol. Fork checked for correct function in custom made jig. Main air spring pressurised and negative air chamber equalised and damper adjusters set to original customer settings. Different size air volume spacers installed or removed as required. black low friction wipers depending on availability, please let us know your preferences New factory spec dust wipers installed or low friction SKF green coloured wipers or Racing Bros. Sealed dampers are vacuum bled to ensure no trapped air is present and to ensure consistent damping. 3 – 5% of friction reducing additive mixed with damping oil to help reduce sliding friction, make/model dependent. Spring side and damper sides are re-built with genuine factory spec rebuild kits, we now for the most part have changed over to MOTOREX oils of Switzerland for shock & fork specific damping (yes, there is a difference) fluids & slideway lubricants (lower leg lubes) as these are the VERY BEST in the industry for the lowest friction, thermal stability and even noise reduction !!!. Internal inspection for any signs of wear and tear. Internal de-grease of lower casting and stanchions. Bushings in lower legs are checked for alignment and concentricity and burnished to factory spec using our PRECISION CUSTOM MADE TOOLING. Full removal of lower legs and full strip down of air spring/coil spring side and damper. Full external clean and de-grease and visual evaluation for any signs of external wear and tear. Notes taken of customers air pressure and damper settings.